Earning Membership
KAPHP is a juried organization of Kansas historian/performers. Recommendation may be made by any individual member. Non-members may request consideration for inclusion. Selection is by a committee of four current members who have critiqued a recent, full-length program that includes a monologue and discussion in character and discussion as a scholar. To be eligible for membership those who are not founding members must provide evidence that they have:
1. Attended a Preserving Our Past through Performance™ workshop.
2. Developed a thirty to fifty minute first person narrative of a historical figure or composite historical character.
3. Been juried by four KAPHP members during a full-length performance including questions in character and as the scholar.
4. Provided authenticity in content and costuming.
5. A familiarity with primary and secondary resources of the historical figure and their historical context.
6. Drafted a contract and invoice for their program.
7. Been paid a fee (beyond travel costs) for a program.
8. At least one marketing piece (brochure/flyer/video).
9. A telephone number and e-mail address.
10. Developed at least one resource list, curriculum guide, or other educational material for their performance.
The annual meeting was previously held in conjunction with the Kansas Sampler Festival. With the shift in focus of the Kansas Sampler Festival activities, a new annual event is planned to replace it. Induction will be the week-end of the annual event and as necessary at other times when four members of the KAPHP can be present.
Rights and responsibilities
Members have the right to:
Use the KAPHP name in their marketing.
Have a presence on the www.historicperformance.com site.
Receive occasional email notices.
Display and showcase at the annual event.
To maintain membership an individual must :
1. Demonstrate a willingness to be familiar with and promote other members of the KAPHP.
2. Annually contribute financially to cooperative ventures approved by the membership including website maintenance and the annual event (not to exceed $100/year).
3. Exhibit a commitment to the group’s mission.
4. Remain active in historical performance.
5. Demonstrate active participation by attending the annual meeting, showcasing at the annual event, updating their web page, and jurying prospective members.
The group will notify non-participants before removing them from KAPHP marketing/education tools.